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广州市菲玛仕皮具商行 - 成立于1998年,是一家专业设计、生产各类高中档皮具、手袋的厂家。经过几年时间的开拓和发展,我厂现发展为拥有车间面积 2 千多平方米,我厂主要生产一线工作人员 100 多人。生产各式淑女包、时尚包、挎包、手提包,等时尚新款手袋系列产品。我厂信奉 “ 客户第一,质量第一 ” 的宗旨,以“ 诚信,诚意,诚 心 ” 的态度竭诚为各界人士提供最优质的服务。我们本着求实上进的 创业精神,不断开发款式新颖、造型精美的时尚皮具,在保证质量的基础上为商家客户提供满意、一流、专业的产品和服务。欢迎各界朋友来样来料订做。 <br><br>精神理念 <br>  透过从观念与策略的突破性整合,致力缔造品牌、产品、技术、服务的企业核心竞争力,集 “ 聚优创新 ”“ 上乘品质 ” 、 “ 优惠价格 ” 和 “ 完善服务 ” 于一身,发源广州,立足市场,辐射全国。 <br><br>公司承诺 <br>  菲玛仕公司本着 “ 携手共进、你兴我荣 ” 的经营宗旨,遵守国家的法律、法规,以市场为导向、以客户需求为核心,始终如一遵循着 : 尽善尽美 、 精益求精 、超值超前原则 , 向国、内外客商提供最优质的产品和最优质的服务,为各大企业创造全新品牌形象。<br><br>上述职位诚邀有志之士加入,公司会给予您充分挖掘自己潜能的机会和相应的回报。<br>fei ma shi leather company., established in 1998, is a large enterprise specializing in designing, manufacturing, and marketing modern leather handbags series. it covers an area of over 2000㎡ in guangzhou city, guangdong province, prc. the company is majoring in producing handbags, wallets, luggage, etc.<br>fei ma shi culture<br> design is what we want to express with something full of thick fashion, something that belongs to the future. designers’ mission is to describe a future life with vivid soul & unique creation, to guide us to touch and pursue a higher quality life. with advanced design style, fashionable & novel design conception, we are establishing stable base for each step by doing everything conscientiously and never giving up every detail to applause for a brighter tomorrow with our confident, optimistic, active & aspirant professional fenghui people.<br>fei ma shi cooperation <br> all people or all elements in our society begin their relationship with conflict. through grinding, compromising, collaboration, and harmony; an interlink age of the social value system is achieved eventually. all people around you, no matter whether they are your customers, friends, boss, family, or the employee, even somebody you never meet, have direct or indirect connection with us. we try to understand them and make great efforts to optimize these connections, which arrives what we said cooperation.<br> <br><br>fei ma shi win-win service<br>consumers enjoy both products and service in high quality.<br>distributors own wide space for surviving and developing.<br>suppliers value good partners who are resolute and courageous.<br><br>we invite all aggressive and ambitious talents to come to our company. we will ensure you great developing opportunities and corresponding payment.